June 14, 2010

Steam Yam with Pork

Chicken Fried

Stewed Potato with Lean Meat

Fried Chai Por Omelette

Fried Chai Por Omelette

Fried Siew Pak Choy with Roasted Pork

Fried Sweet Potatoes leafs

Sai Yong Chor with Red Date Soup

Ham Chor Taufu Soup

Salted Long Bean Rice

Fried Bayam with Century Egg

Veg Kua Chai with Fish Cake

Fried Kua Chai Veg.with fish cake

Fu Chok with Potato and Pork Belly

Fried Kempong Fish

Mixed Vegetable with Lotus Root

Fried Rice

Banana Pancake

Curry Pumpkin

Mixed Vegetable with Mok Yee

Fried Tuna Fish

Steam Tom Yam Fish

Mee Suah Soup

Steam Fish with White Sauce

Roasted Pork with Leek

June 03, 2010